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Rivians Electrifying Production And Delivery Milestones

Welcome to rRIVN: A Community for Rivian Automotive Enthusiasts

Rivian's Electrifying Production and Delivery Milestones

Rivian Automotive has made remarkable strides in its production and delivery capabilities in recent years.

In 2023, the company produced an impressive 57232 electric vehicles (EVs) and delivered 50122 units. This marks a significant increase from 2022, when they produced 24337 EVs and delivered 20332. Notably, Rivian delivered only 1015 EVs in 2021.

Rivian's Growing Market Presence

Rivian's impressive production and delivery numbers showcase the company's rapid growth and increasing presence in the electric vehicle market. As the second legacy automaker to invest in Rivian, Volkswagen joins Ford Motor as a major stakeholder in the California-based company.

It's important to note that rRIVN focuses on discussions related to Rivian Automotive, its products, and its brand, excluding discussions about the company's stock.
